More recycling tutorials from "Trash to Treasure" project...
March 22, 2012, Leina Neima, Comments: 0

IN THIS PAGE you can find full list of our FREE original recycling tutorials...
Check them out and make Earth become better place!
Adjustable Button Necklace
April 10, 2010, Leina Neima, Comments: 20
This wonderful tutorial is made by Petronella Luiting specially for our project "Tarbetust tarvilikuks" (Trash to treasure) - in witch we share tutorials of recycling and reusing things. This project is in Estonian language but some of the texts will be available in English as well...
There are plenty of fab tutorials in Estonian version of the page - you can check them out HERE. Don't speak Estonian? No problem just crab Google Translate and follow clear and good photos of the instructions. Happy discovering!
Project is supported by EAA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms through Fund for NGOs.
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